fast truck
September 16, 2024

Meet End-of-Year Demand Head-On With Effective Industrial Supply Last Mile Delivery


End-of-year specials are commonplace across various industries. Car dealerships need specials to clear out the current year models and make way for the next model year. Retailers run specials to clear out their inventory during high-demand periods. And companies like HVAC and solar panel installers lean on specials to drive demand during what would otherwise be a slow period — making industrial supply last mile delivery highly important.

Industrial supply last mile delivery is key because AC units, solar panels, and other products need to show up on time for installation. The task is much more challenging because customers are often busy during the holiday season, which means delivery and installation windows can be incredibly tight.

This is where middle and last mile efficiency in industrial supply is essential. Without efficiency across the middle and last miles, industrial companies can’t maximize this end-of-year opportunity.

At FRAYT, we offer an extensive network of vetted drivers, a flexible fleet, and advanced technology that helps ensure industrial supply deliveries arrive on time, every time. Continue reading to learn more about meeting end-of-year demand through partnerships for industrial supply last mile delivery, and contact us to discover how FRAYT can help your industrial business seize opportunities.

The Year-End Surge in Industrial Supply Demand

When November and December roll around, all companies are pushing to finish with strong end-of-year financials while also clearing out inventory (as noted above in the car dealership example). Customers are busy during this time period due to the holidays, and there’s often a labor shortage at the end of the year, making it hard to find installation techs and drivers for industrial supply last mile delivery. These challenges impact a number of businesses, including:

  • Auto Parts: Auto part retailers tend to see an uptick in demand for things like tire replacements during the holiday season.
  • Appliance Replacement and Repair: Appliance manufacturers and retailers love to run holiday-related specials, which can lead to an increase in demand for replacement and repair.
  • HVAC Service and Replacement: There’s been a surprising spike in demand for HVAC service and replacement in the last few weeks of the year. Consumers look to take advantage of end-of-year deals rather than paying full price to replace the system when they need it most — like in the summer.
  • Solar Panels: Consumers can access tax breaks in the New Year if they use environmentally friendly resources — like solar panels. This leads to a huge increase in demand for solar panel installation in November and December.

With limited time, the industrial supply middle and last mile must operate like clockwork to ensure schedules are kept. Delivery must be fast and reliable, but it’s often hard for industrial companies to build such an efficient delivery system in-house. That’s where middle and last mile industrial supply partnerships become invaluable.

How FRAYT Supports Industrial Supply Last Mile Delivery During the Holiday Rush  

At FRAYT, we empower HVAC installers, solar panel companies, and other industrial organizations to meet the holiday rush head-on so they can maximize their end-of-year opportunity. When working with FRAYT as your middle and last mile delivery partner for industrial supply, you gain access to these three things:

1. A Reliable Driver Network

We hired only vetted, professional drivers who undergo a rigorous review process. This ensures you get quality drivers who understand their role in the customer experience during peak seasons. Our existing group of drivers also ensures you can access scalable, on-demand capacity — even when the broader market is experiencing a labor shortage.

2. A Flexible and Diverse Fleet

Our fleet includes a range of vehicles, everything from small vans to large trucks. This diversity allows us to match any delivery with the perfect vehicle. In the industrial supply space, shipments are often large and bulky (think solar panels, refrigerators, and AC units). Not just any vehicle can accommodate these products. You need a partner that matches a specific shipment with the right vehicle.

Also, much like having access to an existing group of drivers, access to a third-party fleet gives you scalable, on-demand capacity. It’s often difficult to know just how much your demand will surge at the end of the year, which makes it hard to build the ideal in-house team and fleet. When you work with a partner, you always have the capacity you need — no matter what direction your demand goes.

3. Advanced Technology to Enhance Operations

Modern middle and last mile delivery is powered by advanced technology. You need technology for real-time tracking, for communication with customers, for efficient routing, and to help you make proactive decisions when disruptions emerge. At FRAYT, we offer an existing platform designed to manage the nuances of middle and last mile delivery. Our customers don’t have to build a tech stack for in-house delivery programs — they can use ours, which is ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Enjoy the Benefits of an Industrial Supply Delivery Partnership

Industrial supply delivery partnerships allow businesses to meet promotional demand, handle seasonal repairs, and maintain customer satisfaction. Most importantly, they allow organizations to get ROI out of last mile delivery while maximizing the opportunity presented at the year’s end.

At FRAYT, our proven track record of success and commitment to excellence allow us to play a key role in your end-of-year operations. Read about how we’ve helped industrial businesses like Midas and Motion Industries master industrial supply delivery.

Ready to seize your end-of-year opportunities? Ship with us.

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